🧠 Our Approach to Hiring

Without a great team, we can’t build a great product. Team planning is tough but important. This is some of the guidance our teams follow before advertising a role:

⚙ Our Hiring Process

We’ve designed our hiring process to identify the traits, knowledge and skills that are likely to result in high levels of job performance and test for these qualities in a high-utility way. As a result, we use semi-structured, behavioural interviews to gather measurable insights about you as a candidate while aiming to keep the discussion comfortable rather than interrogation-like.


All of our interviews are held on Google Meet, which allows for auto-captioning. We can offer alternatives at each step of the hiring process to accommodate neurodiverse needs like dyslexia, ADHD or autism or physical needs like legal blindness. Illustrative examples include extra time on questions and tasks, fewer face-to-face interviews (replaced by written tasks), and large print on tasks and written communications. Please get in touch if you would benefit from accommodations during the hiring process.

🤝 How We Hire

We hire primarily within the UK. Depending on the role, we can occasionally make remote hires, though this is not our preference given it can significantly limit a team member’s capacity to collaborate on UK/EU work (due to data privacy regulations) and requires an Employer of Record.

🌈 A Note on Inclusion, Bias & Diversity