<aside> 💡 This bi-annual check-in is an opportunity to acknowledge your progress, identify strengths and pinpoint areas for growth, before setting longer-term development goals spanning six to 12 months.



This review is dedicated to your development. It allows you to step back from day-to-day discussions about your performance and take a longer view of your professional journey by assessing your progression in the skills and behaviours of your role — something you can’t do over a short period of time.

It also informs your salary, by mapping your skills and behaviours in your role to your level in your role (and thus your salary band.)


🏔️ Align with your manager on how you've progressed in your role

👣 Set next steps in your professional development

💰 Ensure pay reflects your skills and behaviours in the role (more on this)


<aside> 💡 HR and Learning literature suggests that on-the-job learning is the most effective method for professional development and this check-in is a chance to observe how your skills and behaviours have evolved over time in your role.


<aside> 📌 Like other parts of the performance cycle, the development review ⇒ Lattice form + 1:1


The process is straightforward:

  1. Fill out the Lattice review (your manager will do the same)
  2. Have a 1:1 in which you and your manager align on your competencies in the skills and behaviours of your role and set goals for your development (they will take your lead here)
  3. Optionally set professional development goals for yourself in an individual development plan
  4. Meanwhile, the People team will use the data from your and your manager’s Lattice reviews to ensure your salary reflects any progression in your role

Don’t Know Where To Start?

<aside> 💡 According to Gallup, only 1 in 3 employees strongly agree that they have the opportunity to do what they do best every day. Yet, people who use their strengths every day are 6x more likely to be engaged, 8% more productive, and 15% less likely to quit their jobs. In companies where people have a chance each day to do what they do best or demonstrate their strengths, productivity is 1.5x greater.


👁️ Step back, look forward

💪 Motivation at work and how it impacts development and progression

🥬 Career Vision on Lattice

❓ Questions to ask yourself

🤸‍♂️ Written Exercises